Marvelous in my Monday!!


25. March 2013 by Swiss

Happy Monday, welcome to a new week and to the traditional start with the flipping marvelous Mondayparty over at the beautiful DIVA!

MiMMToday is my exam!! Cross fingers! So you can imagine that a lot of studying was going on on the weekend, but I managed to plan a few fun things around it, to still make this weekend marvelous.

Food was one of the things, like my snack and dinner on Friday:


Munching on Beef Jerky’s in the train to Zurich…..


….Chicken in Herbsrust, Spinach Greens, Baby Tomatoes, Chickpeas

 My body was doing weird things all weekend. I hardly had any appetite, my legs felt sluggish and my belly felt like a stone and looked like I was carrying twins in it. Sorry if that is TMI, but things have to be said sometimes 🙂 So I tried to take it easy and good care of it and do what is best. Which meant at first to take a full restday on Saturday. Sandro joined me for an easy morningwalk at the lake……


……which was followed by a light and yummy breakfast:

Omeletee with veggies&coconut butter

Omelette with veggies&coconut butter

I took a few hours of the afternoon for studying before I had my ‘afternoon-lunch’:



Then we headed out for another walk this time to the botanical garden which is just behind our house. I met a sweet little friend there who immediately fell in love with me and didn’t want to leave me anymore 🙂 My heart couldn’t even handle it.


When we got back I prepared everything for our visitors, we had a couple coming for dinner to our place and it was a lovely, lovely evening with good talks, good food and many laughters!!


Wholegrain Fajitas filled with Guacamole, peppers, chicken


Sunday morning I woke up around 8, did my meditation and started with a workout. Some cycling, TRX circuit and this AB/Cardio Training which I love!!!

Fuel after:

Omelette with veggies&amazeballs

Omelette with veggies&amazeballs

Yes, I know, I am such a creative girl with all these same meals. But I just wanted a change in my pancake kick and went back to the good old eggomelette which is also always a winner. Tomorrow will be pancakes again though 🙂

Rest of Sunday was chatting with this wonderful friend, emailing with beautiful Courtney, studying, a walk and a bit of meal prep. I did not plan the whole week yet, but some ideas are:



Horseradish Dip with raw veggiesticks

Herbscrusted chicken on a saladbowl & Hummus

And here’s dinner from last night, oh it was SO good! So that was it….nothing exciting, just a lazy quite but marvelous Sunday.

Herbed Salmon filet, steamed broccoli, raw pepper strips

Herbed Salmon filet, steamed broccoli, raw pepper strips

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are off to a great start today! I send you Love!

Sweet or Savory for Breakfast? Or Breakfast at all? I need to eat breakfast, otherwise I am useless. It can be sweet or savory, I don’t mind as long as there are eggwhites 🙂

Tell me one marvelous thing about your weekend!!



28 thoughts on “Marvelous in my Monday!!

  1. jessielovestorun says:

    I sure did miss our daily conversations while I was away! Good luck today on your exam hunnie. I just know your hard work will pay off though ❤ ❤

  2. Greta says:

    Fingers crossed – for your exam! And I’m sorry you had (hopefully it’s all over) an upset stomach during the weekend. I hope it was all about being nervous about today.

    And you look marvelous with that cat!! Are you a cat or a dong person I wonder? 😀

    Me and breakfast were never good together. I’m not a breakfast person, but I still trying to get mine, however not before 10am.

  3. Good luck on your exam, love! You’re going to rock it 🙂

    Sounds like you had a marvelous weekend for sure! I went snowboarding in the mountains this weekend, which was absolutely perfect – the weekend went by too quickly though! And as for breakfast, mine definitely has to be sweet. The idea of savory just turns my stomach.

    Happy Monday!

    • Can’t go wrong with a weekend riding the slopes!! And it sounds like it was perfect. I did not go yet, shame on me, maybe after Easter! Thank you, finally the exam is done!

  4. I love sweet AND savory! Yesterday I had sweet maple oats topped with a fried egg and crumbled bacon with cinnamon…soooo good!

    I hope you’re feeling better love…I didn’t feel the same amount of energy in this post as I normally get from you. Maybe just exam jitters? I’m sure you’ll do great, but I wish you luck anyway!

    Kitty cuteness! LOVVVVE!

    The most marvelous part of my weekend was the progress I made in my physical therapy!!

    • Yeees, I read it!! So fraking cool!! Hmmmm, sweet maple oats, now that sounds delicous.
      My belly…I guess it’s this marvelous time a month we girls get, awwyeah….

  5. cleanfoodcreativefitness says:

    Good luck with your exam!!! Everything looks delicious as usual! Sounds like the perfect weekend!

  6. My favorite breakfasts are sweet AND savory! I love making wafflewich sandwiches with waffles, Laughing Cow cheese, sweet jam, and a dippy egg. So, so good!

  7. I love beef jerky or any kind of jerky as a snack, addicting to say the least.

  8. Lisa says:

    Sweet breakfast all the way! I can’t imagine it any other way actually ha.
    Sure sounds like a marvelous weekend for you my lovely!
    Good luck on your exam Lucie! You’ll do great! What are you studying for again? I seem to have forgotten…my mind sucks these days;)
    Eeee…I like cats! So cute.

    • Haha no worries Dear, I can’t remember all the blogger stories either, not possible! I did a course in Real Estate Management because I work in this area. Nothing exciting to be honest, boring stuff and I am so glad it is over!!

  9. Good luck with your exam Lucie! You’ll do amazing 😀
    I’m a mix of sweet and savoury for breakfast…I like sweet, but I usually throw eggs in there too.
    That cat is so cute! It actually looks a LOT like my parents cat!

  10. I’m definitely a sweet breakfast fan! I won’t turn town savory but I’ll add some jelly to my toast 😛 Gotta start [and end] the day on a sweet note!

  11. THANKS for the SHOUT OUT LOVE! Your salmon dinner looks MIGHTY delicious 🙂 Love all of your pancake dishes so heart warming in the morning! The kitty is so cute, I would have taken her and ran! haha* Happy you enjoyed your weekend, excited to hear how you did on your exam! Have a great week 🙂 Love + SHine CourtStar

  12. […] but now on to Monday’s eats. As some of you know, I had my exam on Monday . I started off with my meditation and let my booty and abs burn with some workout quickies. Of […]

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